📢 Exciting News: Introducing Our New Virtual Study Rooms! 📚

Dear Community,

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new virtual study rooms to enhance your study experience and ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable while learning together.

Previously, we had one room, the Halo Ambient Room, which served as a private space for cohosts, friends, and individuals with the link. However, as our community grew, we encountered some challenges with certain individuals posing threats to the safety and well-being of our members, particularly our female participants.

In response to these concerns, we have implemented some changes:

🌟 Public Halo Ambient Room: This room is now open to everyone in our community. Whether you’re a long-time member or new to our group, you’re welcome to join and study alongside fellow learners.

🌟 Private Halo Ambient Room: For those who prefer a more exclusive and secure environment, we’ve created a private room reserved exclusively for cohosts. This ensures a safe space for focused study and collaboration.

Both rooms will continue to host our weekly polls where you can vote for the theme of the room. Your feedback and participation are essential in shaping the atmosphere of our study sessions.

🔒 Joining the Private Room: To gain access to the Private Halo Ambient Room, interested individuals must first join our Discord server and submit a request to be added. Your request will be carefully reviewed by all group members, and if approved, you’ll be granted access to the private room.

We believe these changes will foster a more inclusive and secure environment for everyone in our community. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities, and we’re committed to ensuring that our virtual study rooms remain spaces where everyone can thrive academically.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to any of our moderators or administrators. Let’s continue to support each other on our learning journeys!

Happy studying!