Category: Blog

  • Dealing With Pain

    “Whenever you suffer pain, keep in mind that it’s nothing to be ashamed of and that it can’t degrade your guiding intelligence, nor keep it from acting rationally and for […]

  • today’s reminder

  • You Can Do It

    “If you find something very difficult to achieve yourself, don’t imagine it impossible- for anything possible and proper for another person can be achieved as easily by you.” There are […]

  • Solve Problems Early

    “There is no vice which lacks a defense, none that at the outset isn’t modest and easily intervened-but after this the trouble spreads widely. If you allow it to get […]

  • Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

    “It is essential for you to remember that the attention you give to any action should be in due proportion to its worth, for then you won’t tire and give […]

  • A Garden Is Not For Show

    “First practice not letting people know who you are- keep your philosophy to yourself for a bit. In just the manner that fruit is produced- the seed buried for a […]

  • The Mind is All Yours

    “You have been formed of three parts- body, breath, and mind. Of these, the first two are yours in so far as they are only in your care. The third […]

  • Keep Chopping At it

    Keep Chopping At it

    It’s like chopping down a huge tree of immense girth. You won’t accomplish it with one swing of your axe. If you keep chopping away at it, though, and do […]

  • control your thoughts

    we can feel something , but we can also control the way we react and respond to that feeling , for example if you feel distracted by negative thoughts , […]

  • Calm Is Contagious

    “If then it’s not that the things you pursue or avoid are coming at you, but rather that you in a sense are seeking them out, at least try to […]

  • Fueling The Habit Bonfire

    “Every habit and capability is confirmed and grows in its corresponding actions, walking by walking, and running by running… therefore, if you want to do something make a habit of […]

  • Be Inspired, Be Inspirational

    “Let us also produce some bold act of our own-and join the ranks of the most emulated.” It was common in Greek and Roman times, just as it is now, […]